I have obtained the following licenses and certificates
Lifestyle studio Amsterdam East is affiliated with the Dutch Professional Association for Hypnotherapists (NBVH) under member number 21025 and receives a license every year, which is visibly displayed in the practice. This license is refreshed annually by the NBVH and guarantees that the therapist meets the necessary requirements with regard to training, further training and intervision. Lifestyle studio Amsterdam East is registered in the HBO Register of Professional Practitioners Complementary Care (RBCZ). The RBCZ foundation is an umbrella organisation that certifies and registers practitioners of complementary and alternative medicine (care providers and therapists at HBO level).
This is what you could do if you have a complaint
If you have a complaint about the treatment, please discuss this with me. If we cannot resolve it together or if you have a complaint that you cannot or do not want to discuss with me, you can contact the complaints committee via the NBVH. The complaints committee is the 'front portal'. The Complaints Committee only deals with minor problems and forwards the rest to the Complaints Officer. He or she opts for mediation or refers to the disputes committee SCAG or in serious cases to the Stichting Tuchtrecht Complementaire Zorg (TCZ).
A duty of confidentiality applies to me on the basis of the professional code and the statutory medical confidentiality.
If you want to cancel, these are the conditions
Mocht je verhinderd zijn, kun je de afspraak tot 48 uur vooraf zelf kosteloos verzetten of afzeggen. Wanneer een afspraak minder dan 48 uur vooraf wordt verzet of afgezegd, worden 50% van de kosten in rekening gebracht. Zonder afbericht wordt het volledige bedrag van de sessie in rekening gebracht.
I do not hold myself liable for any adverse consequences that have arisen due to incorrect or incomplete information being provided by the client.
These are the rates
De prijs van een sessie van 75 minuten is 95 euro. Een mindfulness training van 8 weken, twee uren per bijeenkomst kost 350 euro.
When the payment obligation is not met
If payments are not made on time, the collection of the outstanding amounts will be transferred to a collection agency, which will charge the statutory interest and collection costs to the client. The payment terms of the collection agency apply.
Declaration of the sessions
You are responsible for submitting the invoices to the health insurer and you must inquire whether the health insurer reimburses the therapy.